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Ulyanovsk Automotive Plant

UAZ-452D army
Russian Miniature, Russia
Plastic, 1:43
AS-65(452D)-111 fire suppression vehicle
Russian Miniature, Russia
Plastic, 1:43
UAZ-452D Gas Emergency
Russian Miniature, Russia
Plastic, 1:43
UAZ-452D camouflaged
Russian Miniature, Russia
Plastic, 1:43
UAZ-452D delivery truck
unknown manufacturer, conversion of Russian Miniature UAZ-452D
Metal cab, 1:43
UAZ-39094 "Farmer"
Metel-Plast, Russia
Plastic, 1:43
UAZ-452K "Farmer"
Metel-Plast, Russia
Plastic, 1:43
UAZ-452V, serial number A41
Tantal, USSR
Metal, 1:43
Tantal, Russia
Plastic, 1:43
1980 UAZ-452
Ist Models
Metal, 1:43
UAZ-452V military police "GAI"
Tantal, Russia
Metal, 1:43
UAZ-452V ASh-5(452V)-79B "VDPO" volunteer firemen
Tantal, Russia
Metal, 1:43
UAZ-452V USSR police "GAI", serial number A41
Tantal, Russia
Metal, 1:43
UAZ-452K "Medeya" reanimation ambulance
Uralskiy Sokol, Russia
Metal, 1:43
UAZ-452A reanimation ambulance
M. Bashmashnikov, conversion of Tantal UAZ-452V
Metal, 1:43
UAZ-3303 PRTS "Granat-2" Ajokki TV van
DeAgostini/Service Cars
Metal/plastic, 1:43
1987 T12.02 (UAZ-3303) autoclub
DeAgostini/Service Cars
Metal/plastic, 1:43
UAZ-3909 emergency gas service
DeAgostini/Service Cars
Metal, 1:43
Metel-Plast, Russia
Plastic, 1:43
UAZ-469, serial number A34
Tantal, USSR
Metal, 1:43
UAZ-469 "VDPO" volunteer firemen
Tantal, Russia
Metal, 1:43
UAZ-469 "VAI", military auto inspection
Tantal, Russia
Metal, 1:43
Kherson factory, Ukraine
Plastic, 1:43
UAZ-469 soviet police "GAI", serial number A34
Tantal, Russia
Metal, 1:43
UAZ-469 soviet police "GAI", serial number A34
Tantal, Russia
Metal, 1:43
UAZ-469 rally
Tantal, Russia
Metal, 1:43
1975 UAZ-469
IST Models
Metal, 1:43
2003 UAZ-315195 Hunter
Metal, 1:43

This page last updated Dec 5, 2024