Picture |
Title and Description |
Classic American Convertibles Colorful history of every major and small independent American automaker |
Chrysler In Miniature, Randall Olson Plymouth, Dodge, Desoto, Chrysler and Imperial models and their makers |
Ford In Miniature, Randall Olson Ford, Lincoln, Mercury handmade models and their makers |
GM In Miniature, Randall Olson 1920's - 1954 Buick, Cadillac, Chevy, GMC, Lasalle, Oldsmobile and Pontiac handmade models and their makers |
Independents In Miniature, Randall Olson Packard, Nash, Hudson, Kaiser-Frazer, Studebaker, Auburn, Cord, Duesenberg (and others) handmade models and their makers |
American Wheels, Jerry Rettig 1:43 scale hand-built and die-cast models of american marque cars and light duty trucks |
1998-99 Classic Car Buyer's Guide Specs, photos and descriptions of all makes and models sold in the UK from 1945 to 1979 |
The World Encyclopedia Of Cars The definitive guide to classic and contemporary cars from 1945 to 1998 |
Driving Machines - The BMW Story Complete history |
Chevrolet Chronicle Complete annual history |
Ford Chronicle Complete annual history |
Cars of the Classic 30's Complete annual history |
Cars of the Fascinating 40's Complete annual history |
Cars of the Fabulous 50's Complete annual history |
Cars of the Sizzling 60's Complete annual history |
Cars of the Sensational 70's Complete annual history |
Automobile on a Palm Detailed picture catalog of 152 russian models, mostly mass-production, in Russian, English and German, 1994 |
Automobile on a Palm 2 Picture catalog of 156 russian models, mostly handmade and limited edition, 1995 |
Automobiles of Russia and USSR, part 1, L.M.Shugurov History of russian automaking from inception till 1955, with lots of illustrations, 1994 |
Automobiles of Russia and USSR, part2, L.M.Shugurov History of russian automaking from 1956 till 1970, with lots of illustrations, 1998 |
Automobiles of Russia and contries of former USSR, part3, L.M.Shugurov History of russian automaking from 1971 till 1996, with lots of illustrations, 1999 |
Automobiles of USSR, L.M.Shugurov History of russian automaking from inception till 1980, initial compact edition, 1980 |
Scale Models of Soviet Automobiles Brief picture catalog of 34 of the first russian car models produced for export, 1980 |
"Moscow Models" product catalog Black and white picture catalog of the company's products, 1995 |
#1 |
#2 |
#3 |
#4 |
#5 |
#6 |
"ZIM(GAZ)-12B ambulance" |
"GAZ-21C Volga police" |
"PMG-20 (GAZ-69) fire" |
"UAZ-3909 gas emergency" |
"GAZ-M20 Pobeda taxi" |
"Moskvitch-400-420 ORUD police" |
#7 |
#8 |
#9 |
#10 |
#11 |
#12 |
"GAZ-69 T-3 street sweeper" |
"UAZ-469 VAI" |
"GAZ-3110 Volga taxi" |
"VAZ-2112 DPS police" |
"GAZ-32214 Gazelle ambulance" |
"RAF-22034 fire department" |
#13 |
#14 |
#15 |
#16 |
#17 |
#18 |
"ZIL-118KL crime lab" |
"GAZ-3302 Ratnik armored carrier" |
"GAZ-2403 Volga ambulance" |
"Izh-2715 repair service" |
"UAZ-450 delivery" |
"VAZ-2101 Zhiguli police" |
#19 |
#20 |
#21 |
#22 |
#23 |
#24 |
"GAZ-2705 communications" |
"GAZ-M21T Volga taxi" |
"GAZ-2402 Volga Aeroflot" |
"Moskvitch-400-422 mail delivery" |
"VIS-294611 fire" |
"GAZ-55 ambulance" |
#25 |
#26 |
#27 |
#28 |
#29 |
#30 |
"RAF-2203 USSR police" |
"GAZ-322121 Gazel' school bus" |
"UAZ-450A ambulance" |
"RAF-977DM route taxi" |
"GAZ-233036 Tiger OMON" |
"GAZ-24-01 Volga taxi ambulance" |
#31 |
#32 |
#33 |
#34 |
#35 |
#36 |
"UAZ-3741 Russian post" |
"AMO-F15 ambulance" |
"RAF-2907 Moscow Olympics torch carrier" |
"GAZ-AA bread delivery" |
"GAZ-24 Volga army command" |
"GAZ-69 vet ambulance" |
#37 |
#38 |
#52 |
#53 |
#54 |
#55 |
"GAZ-2705 Gazel emergency" |
"UAZ-3303 TV van" |
"PMG-1 (GAZ-AA) fire truck" |
"RAF-Tamro reanimation" |
"93M (GAZ-51A) garbage truck" |
"T12.02 (UAZ-3303) autoclub" |
#61 |
#66 |
"RAF-22031 ambulance" |
"ZAZ-110557-51 Tavria Coffee-mobile" |